We Value Helping People. Our Vision is Sustainable Living. Our Mission is Personal Microbe Management. Our Passion is Plant/Human Relationships. Our Competency is Biochemistry. Our Value Proposition is Improved Health.

Therefore, our business identity is:

Helping people improve their health through personal microbe management using the biochemistry of plant/human relationships.

On our personal journey to health, we studied Bonnie Bassler, a Princeton University expert who estimated we have ten times more microbes in and on us than we have human cells in our bodies. Current estimates are even larger. This means that we are ecosystems, as well as individuals. Therefore if we want to truly understand and improve our long-term health, we must be MICROBE MANAGERS!

Not only do microbes matter, but types of microbes matter. Microbial communities can be complex. We are somewhat familiar with bacteria and viruses, but most people don’t know much about the mycelial networks of fungus that literally grow a web through the soil, and us.

The quality of our air and water matters. What we eat and how we exercise matters. How we bathe matters. How we seed and feed our gut microbes matters. How we deal with fungal infections matters. Even how we clean our mouths matters. (With evidence linking oral health to heart disease, and linking Alzheimer’s to gingipains from P. gingivalis bacteria.)         BASICS MATTER!

At 2BKIND we design our products strategically to provide as much beneficial microbe management as possible. Plants are selected for their effects based on historical reputation and modern research. They are sourced from around the world. Your skin will love us and you’ll feel great.


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